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What's the difference between front shovel digging and backh

The action form of shovel. It is characterized by "forward upward, forced soil cutting". The front shovel has a large excavation force and can excavate the soil above the shutdown surface. It is suitable to excavate the dry foundation pit with a height of more than 2m, but the up and down ramps must be set. The bucket of the front shovel is larger than that of the backhoe with the same equivalent. It can excavate the first to the third kind of soil with water content no more than 27%. It can coo...

Release date:2019-10-28

Troubleshooting of small loader unable to move forward or backward

The small loader cannot move forward or backward. First, check whether there is oil shortage in the gearbox of the small loader and whether the oil inlet pipe is blocked. Then check the gearbox oil pan of the small loader and the filter of the torque converter.If it is found that there are metal fragments and other things in it, it can be sure that the parts in the clutch in the gearbox are damaged. If aluminum chips are found in the transmission oil pan and the torque converter filter of the small loader...

Release date:2019-10-28
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